st. augustine was amazing! shawn and i had the time of our lives. the wedding was beautiful and I met some incredible and super fun people. i really didn't want that to end. I woke up monday morning feeling so blah because i went from extreme happiness and excitement to work. needless to say, it took a little while for my mood to even out. i'll get to see him again. i am flying up in October for special secret things. the special secret things aren't really the point. the point is i get to see shawn again and it will be soon. that makes the inbetween time bearable. other than shawn news, i am in the middle of transefering back to bcc to enroll for radiology. i'm more than ready to get my degree on the road. i can't wait to be done and move out of florida. i waited twenty years to get out and now that i've been out of state i need moarrrr. it probably helps that everyone awesome lives there too. i've decided i really want another tattoo. steel's british girlfriend was here and spontaniously got a gypsy skull that turned out amazing. i got a little jealous and then decided i am going to get worry dolls on my right foot. three of them to be exact. i really love foreign folklore and these are so bright and colorful with such an interesting psychological and cute background and meaning i know i wont regret it. here is a picture of a few of them.

anyways i guess that is all that is really going through my head atm. i'll post later.
I didn't want that weekend to end either! I get down every time one of us has to leave.