always get real excited this time of year. it is my favorite. the weather, the smell, the festivities. i think everyone's spirits grow just a little when they walk outside the first day it starts to cool down and just take a deep breath in. i feel like i should exercise this month or go to the park and play frisbee. i dont want to let this year slip by as i sit on the computer and blog ( no offense self...). estimated twelve days until i see my future husband. he is one of the reasons this year is so special and i need to make this year end remarkably. i want to spend every holiday with him but i know i can't take that many of them off from work so i am looking forward to one very important one. you'd think it was christmas, right? nope. of course i love christmas and it is important but i'm think more along the lines of new years. i want to start off my new year the way i want to start off every new year for the rest of my life... with shawn. well i guess i'm off to sleep. <33
We will make new Year happen! <3!!